


Our Pack is made up of families from Pointers Run Elementary, Swansfield Elementary, Fulton Elementary and Saint Louis School.  We are a boys AND girls cub scout pack offering many scouting opportunities throughout the year.  Our pack meets once a month, typically on Sunday evenings and our dens meet once a month either on a Saturday or a Sunday.  All of our dens have two volunteer leaders and we have over 60 scouts in total.  We are currently celebrating our 41st year.  If you are interested in joining, attend our next pack meeting to see what we offer or fill out this Join Pack 702 form.  Click on the calendar link on the left to see our schedule.  
We are charted by and meet at Mt Zion United Methodist Church is located on 12430 Scaggsville Road, Highland, MD 20777.
Annual dues are $165 for the 2024-2025 scouting year. Please go to the Online Payments section on the left Menu to pay dues. Dues for new scouts include a "Class B" t-shirt.
Medical forms for the Pack are available here.

1,231 Sandwiches for Martha's Kitchen!!

Posted by ryan.casavant on Oct 20 2023 - 11:51pm

Great job to all the scouts and parents that helped make 1,231 sandwiches for Martha's Kitchen today!!  Your efforts will feed many, many hungry people!  You did a fantastic job working together to set the NEW PACK RECORD for sandwiches made!   

October Pack Meeting - 6 pm on Oct. 29th

Posted by ryan.casavant on Oct 20 2023 - 11:36pm

Join us for some Halloween themed fun at our next pack meeting!  We look forward to seeing you there!

Pack Meeting - September 10th - 6PM

Posted by Chad Hawthorne on Sep 9 2023 - 6:37pm
We have our first pack meeting of the season tomorrow at 6PM! Please wear Class A uniforms if you have them. If not, Class B uniforms are fine. At the meeting we will sing some songs, enjoy a game, and finish with den breakout meetings for all of our dens to get together in smaller groups.

Register for Upcoming Events

Posted by Chad Hawthorne on Dec 17 2022 - 1:24pm

Pack 702, 

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday filled with family, fun, and laughter. Please take some time to register for the Klondike Derby. We need to get a good head count for the event. Also, the winter holiday is a great time to get started on designing and building the pinewood derby car. Enjoy the time spent with your scout building the car. They will remember the pinewood derby for a lifetime. Also keep in mind...... success in life (and the pinewood derby) is a journey, not a destination. The doing is more important than the outcome. 

Have a great holiday!

Yours In Scouting,
Cubmaster Chad

Pack Meeting - Sunday September 11th

Posted by Chad Hawthorne on Sep 10 2022 - 6:48pm

Pack 702, 

We have our first pack meeting of the year on Sunday! Come in your class A uniform as we kick off our scouting year with fall camping preparation, popcorn games, and an awesome community service project! Bring a friend to the meeting, as we will have registration information available for new scouts. It is going to be an awesome year of scouting. 

As a reminder, we have our fall family camping NEXT WEEKEND at Gunpowder Falls State Park! It will be a lot of fun. Please register today.

Yours In Scouting,
Cubmaster Chad

River Hill 4th of July Parade

Posted by Chad Hawthorne on Jun 25 2022 - 4:54pm

Pack 702,

We are once again participating in the River Hill 4th of July Parade! It is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate our nation's birth with those on our local community. Like all of our cub scout events, this is not a drop-off event. Parents get to walk the parade route with your scout(s). Scouts should be in Class A uniform. If our new scouts don't yet have a Class A uniform, they are more than welcome to join us in the Class B "t-shirt" uniform.

Start: Pointers Run Elementary School
End: Clarksville Fire Department - Signal Bell Lane
Times: Parade Starts at 9:00AM - Please arrive by 7:45AM to help decorate our parade float. Parade will conclude around 11:00AM.
Length: Parade route is about 2.5 miles.

Other Details:
Restrooms are available at Clarksville Middle School. There is limited parking (30 spaces) at Clarksville Middle School for vehicles not in the parade. You may want to park in the neighborhoods surrounding PRES and walk to the start of the parade. The parade ends at the clarksville fire stations. Police will direct all parade elements down Signal Bell Lane to the Clarksville Fire Department. If your family can pre-position any cars at the end of the parade route, we will need help shuttling our scouts back to PRES. 

Cubmaster Chad

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